Non-standard Bose-Hubbard models can exhibit rich ground state phase diagrams, even when considering the one-dimensional limit. Using a self-consistent Gutzwiller diagonalisation approach, we study the mean-field ground state properties of a long-range interacting atomic gas in a onedimensional optical lattice. We first confirm that the inclusion of long-range two-body interactions to the standard Bose-Hubbard model introduces density wave and supersolid phases. However, the introduction of pair and density-dependent tunnelling can result in new phases with two-site periodic density, single-particle transport and two-body transport order parameters. These staggered phases are potentially a mean-field signature of the known novel twisted superfluids found via a DMRG approach [PRA 94, 011603(R) (2016)]. We also observe other unconventional phases, which are characterised by sign staggered order parameters between adjacent lattice sites.