We define the Chow t-structure on the ∞-category of motivic spectra SH(k) over an arbitrary base field k. We identify the heart of this t-structure SH(k) c♥ when the exponential characteristic of k is inverted. Restricting to the cellular subcategory, we identify the Chow heart SH(k) cell,c♥ as the category of even graded MU 2 * MU-comodules. Furthermore, we show that the ∞-category of modules over the Chow truncated sphere spectrum ½ c=0 is algebraic.Our results generalize the ones in Gheorghe-Wang-Xu [GWX18] in three aspects: To integral results; To all base fields other than just C; To the entire ∞-category of motivic spectra SH(k), rather than a subcategory containing only certain cellular objects.We also discuss a strategy for computing motivic stable homotopy groups of (p-completed) spheres over an arbitrary base field k using the Postnikov tower associated to the Chow t-structure and the motivic Adams spectral sequences over k.