The heating dynamics of CO 2 -laser heated micron-sized particles were determined for temperatures <3500K measured using infrared imaging. A coupled mass and energy conservation model is derived to predict single particle temperatures and sizes, which were compared to data from particles deposited on non-absorbing substrates to assess the relevant heat transfer processes. Analysis reveals substrate conduction dominates all other heat losses, while laser absorption determined from Mie theory is strongly modulated by particle evaporative shrinking. This study provides insights on the light coupling and heating of particle arrays where the material optical properties are temperaturedependent and particle size changes are significant.
2The problem of particle coupling to electromagnetic waves and conversion to thermal energy is involved in a number of fields, including atmospheric sciences, 1 combustion systems, 2 microwave-based food processing, 3 Raman microprobe and laser ablation-ICPM spectroscopy, 4 and laser-assisted particle removal from surfaces. 5 In particular, studies of particle arrays on substrates are receiving increased attention for solar cell energy applications, where packed monolayers of wavelength-scale dielectric spheres are used to enhance light absorption as part of photovoltaic surfaces. 6 Although the field intensification and propagation have been examined, 6,7 issues related to heat generation and dissipation in those arrays have not, and a simple predictive model could prove useful for their design. Here we derive such a model along with temperature measurements on silica spheres exposed to laser irradiation. In the process, we determine the relevant heat and mass transfer mechanisms and the impact of particle shrinking during light coupling. In general, to reduce the influence from nearby particles in the fundamental study of such arrays and to allow interpretation of the data, individual particles need to be isolated. However, isolated particles are difficult to manipulate and suspend when their size is on the order of the wavelength, in addition to the problem of measuring relatively weak and rapidly changing signals.
8In this study, micron-sized particle heating dynamics are experimentally addressed by irradiating a monolayer of silica particles on a non-absorbing Germanium substrate with a CW-CO 2 laser under ambient conditions. The assumption is that by restricting the number of neighboring particles to a monolayer their influence is reduced sufficiently that the results can reasonably be interpreted on the basis of a single particle, yet still allow both uniform coupling with the laser and measurements on a well defined extended homogeneous surface. Using in situ infrared imaging (described elsewhere 9 ) of particle layers deposited by solution-casting from a diluted suspension, the particle heating and cooling was determined during laser exposure from local temperature measurement of the surface (See supplementary Fig. 1S of an SEM image of an untreated monolayer, IR image...