We propose a method of controlling two-and three-body interactions in an ultracold Bose gas in any dimension. The method requires us to have two coupled internal single-particle states split in energy such that the upper state is occupied virtually but amply during collisions. By varying system parameters one can switch off the two-body interaction while maintaining a strong threebody one. The mechanism can be implemented for dipolar bosons in the bilayer configuration with tunneling or in an atomic system by using radio-frequency fields to couple two hyperfine states. One can then aim to observe a purely three-body interacting gas, dilute self-trapped droplets, the paired superfluid phase, Pfaffian state, and other exotic phenomena.PACS numbers: 34.50. 05.30.Jp, The Feshbach resonance technique, which allows for tuning the two-body interaction to any value, has been a major breakthrough in the field of quantum gases [1]. Reaching strongly interacting regimes by using this method is proven successful in two-component fermionic mixtures [2] because of the naturally built-in mechanism of suppression of local three-body inelastic processes [3]: the Pauli principle prohibits three fermions to be close to each other as at least two of them are identical. Essentially the same mechanism is responsible for the repulsion between weakly bound molecules in this system ensuring the mechanical stability. Bosons, having no such protection, are much more fragile. A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) collapses in free space even for infinitesimally weak attraction [4] not to mention devastating recombination losses close to resonance [5,6].A repulsive three-body force can stabilize the system and induce nontrivial many-body effects. A weakly interacting BEC with two-body attraction (coupling constant g 2 < 0) and three-body repulsion (g 3 > 0) is predicted to be a droplet, the density of which in the absence of external confinement and neglecting the surface tension is flat and equals n = −3g 2 /2g 3 [7][8][9]. For a strong (beyond mean-field) two-body attraction the spinless Bose gas can pass from the atomic to paired superfluid phase via an Ising-type transition with peculiar topological properties [10][11][12]. However, the mechanical stability of the system requires repulsive few-body interactions [13] or other stabilizing mechanisms [14]. Few-body forces are also important for quantum Hall problems: the exact ground state of bosons in the lowest Landau level with a repulsive three-body contact interaction is the Pfaffian state [15] also known as the weak-pairing phase and characterized by non-Abelian excitations [16]. Interestingly, a finite range of the three-body interaction breaks the pairing [17]. On the other hand, there may be a transition from the weak-to strong-pairing Abelian phase [18], presumably driven by varying g 2 .Most proposals for generating effective three-body interactions deal with lattice systems [19][20][21][22][23][24]. In free space, since three-body effects are significant when g 3 n is of order g 2...