I have the best family and friends. You have created a support network that has allowed me to grow and overcome. I could not have done this without you. Darren, thank you for being my advisor. You have given me freedom to explore and discover. Bang, thank you for being my co-sponsor. You have coached me in the clinic and encouraged me with your unwavering enthusiasm for me and this project. I am grateful to my committee members, Cathie, Elise, and Ji, for guiding this project and me. I would like to acknowledge all members of the BOTLab, past and present, for their friendship and support, especially my fellow DOSI collaborators. Brannon, thank you for curiosity and patience while creating the phantom set. Professor Bigio, from my first year as an academic advisee to my final year as a Ph.D., you have been a steadfast mentor and an example of a student ally and advocate. I had a lot of help from my clinical collaborators. At Montefiore Medical Center and MD Anderson Cancer Center, I would like to acknowledge Drs. Bang Hoang, David Geller, Rui Yang, and Richard Gorlick. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and support, you have been amazing collaborators. I also want to acknowledge Janet, Jeremy, and Damian, for coordinating measurements, consenting subjects, extracting patient data, documenting IRB amendments, and guiding me and this project. At Boston Medical Center, I would like to thank Liz, Salli, Jill, Meredith, Jen, Joanna, Malti, Debbie, and Nancy for all their help. Liz, I'll miss doing the DOSI-DO with you. For when everything falls apart, thank you Chris, Dan, and Eric at the Electronic Design Facility for helping me put it back together again. From measurements to data processing to repairs, I would also like to thank Anais, Amanda, and Tom for imparting all of their DOSI knowledge and wisdom. Within the Biomedical Engineerv ing Department, I'm so grateful for all the help, support, and laughs from Christen, Will, Allie, Stephanie, Nicole, and Tara.