A rather rare phenomenon of an opening of the spin gap in transition metal oxides was observed in pyroxene NaTiSi 2 O 6 and was interpreted as a formation of singlet Ti-Ti dimers [1,2]. However, in the recent Letter [3] the authors challenged this picture. On the basis of spin polarized GGA calculations they argued that with decrease of the temperature this compound evolves into a Haldane phase, characterized by formation of onedimensional S=1 chains.This novel interpretation, however, is highly questionable. The authors claim that "direct overlap between 3d orbitals centered on closer Ti ions, ..., indicates that two electrons of the same spin, occupying those states, are shared by two Ti ions" (cursive ours). This picture however contradicts typical situation for shorts metalmetal bonds in insulating solids, especially those of spin S = 1/2 ions.Most probably the defect lies in the neglect of electronic correlations in the calculation method used in [3]. NaTiSi 2 O 6 is known to be strong Mott insulator with the energy gap close to 2 eV [4], whereas the calculations of Ref. 3 lead to very small energy gaps 0.2-0.3 eV.In order to take into account strong electronic correlations in Ti-3d shell, we performed for the LT phase (T=100 K) of NaTiSi 2 O 6 the LDA+U calculations [5], which was proven very successful in similar cases [6,7,8] The calculation scheme was realized in the framework of the linear muffin-tin orbitals method [9]. Crystal structure parameters were taken from Ref. 10. The values of on-cite Coulomb interaction U = 3.3 eV and Hund's rule exchange J H = 0.8 eV parameters for Ti-3d shell were obtained in constrained supercell calculation [7].In contrast to Ref. 3, the fully antiferromagnetic state (AFM) was found to have lowest total energy (see Tab.1). The total energy of F+AF state (ferromagnetically coupled antiferromagnetic dimers on short Ti-Ti bonds) is just a little bit larger. This indicates that the coupling between dimers is pretty small, J inter = 7 K. On the contrary, the exchange interaction within Ti dimers is antiferromagnetic and rather strong: from the comparison of total energies of totally AFM and AF+F states we find J intra = 626 K. Direct calculation of exchange integrals using the scheme of Ref. In conclusion, we stress that by neglecting correlation effects [3]