Two new dematiaceous hyphomycetes, Spadicoides camelliae and Diplococcium livistonae, are described and illustrated based on specimens collected from the subtropical forests in Fujian Province, southeast China. They were collected on dead branches of Camellia japonica and Livistona chinensis, respectively. Spadicoides camelliae is characterized by polytretic, terminal conidiogenous cells with solitary, ovoid, versicolored, and mainly 2-septate conidia (15.0-22.0 9 7.0-10.0 lm). Diplococcium livistonae is distinguished by polytretic, terminal, and intercalary conidiogenous cells with catenate, cylindrical, concolored, and mainly 2-septate conidia (15.0-28.0 9 5.0-7.0 lm). They are compared with other similar species by their morphological characteristics.