We have studied the thermal inactivation at 37°C of wild type and mutant ChE2 (C310A, F312I, C466A, C310A/F312I, and C310A/C466A) from amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) expressed in vitro in COS-7 monkey cells under three sets of conditions: 30°C for 48 h, 30°for 24 h and C37°Cfor 24 h, and 37°C for 48 h. We found biphasic denaturation curves for all enzymes and conditions, except wild type and C310A ChE2 expressed at 30°C for 48 h. Generally, single mutants are more unstable than wild type, and the double mutants are even more unstable. We propose a model involving stable and unstable conformations of the enzymes to explain these results, and we discuss the implications of the model. We also found a correlation between the melting temperature of the ChEs and the rates at which they denature at 37°C, with the denaturation of the unstable conformation dominating the relationship. Reversible cholinergic inhibitors protect the ChEs from thermal denaturation, and in some cases produce monophasic denaturation curves; we also propose a model to explain this stabilization.