A coherently driven exciton-biexciton transition in CuCl enables one to propagate a probe light beam within the exciton-polariton stop-band where radiation is otherwise completely reflected. The stop-band transparency window can be controlled via the pump beam frequency and intensity. The phenomenon is reminiscent of quantum coherence effects occurring in three-level atomic systems, except that it here involves delocalized electronic excitations in a crystal via a frequency and wave-vector selective polaritonic mechanism. Both a free standing slab and a microcavity configuration are theoretically studied.Phenomena based on three-level quantum coherence in atomic physics have been of considerable importance in recent years. Ranging from rather familiar effects, such as electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and lasing without inversion (LVI), to currently developing applications of ultraslow light, these phenomena all depend on the existence of quantum-coherence in a multi-level system [1,2]. We here report on effects of quantum coherence between exciton and biexciton [3] levels in CuCl. CuCl is a prototype example of a semiconductor having an allowed interband transition, quite pronounced exciton and biexciton resonances [4] and exhibiting, in particular, a fully developed polaritonic stop-band. We predict that a pump driven exciton-biexciton transition allows for a well developed transparency within the stop-band where a probe pulse may propagate, although with a strongly reduced group velocity [5]. More specifically, we show how the transparency of a probe beam within the Z 3 -exciton polariton stop-band can be controlled via a pump light beam resonant with the transition from the Z 3 -exciton to the G 1 -biexciton. The large oscillator strength of the excitonbiexciton transition and the very narrow linewidth and long coherence time of the biexciton state in the small wave-vector region [6,7] appear to favor quite appreciable degrees of transparency. The phenomenon is reminiscent of EIT effects occurring in three-level atomic systems [1,8], except that in CuCl delocalized electronic excitations in a crystalline structure are involved instead [9]. Unlike in atomic-like media, the physics of the induced transparency within an otherwise reflecting stop-band relies on a frequency and wave-vector selective polaritonic mechanism.Transparency can be induced in our case through a ladder scheme in which a circularly polarized probe beam is nearly resonant with the transition from the crystal ground state to the Z 3 exciton with dispersion w x ðkÞ ¼ w T þ hk 2 =ð2m x Þ, while a pump beam having opposite circular polarization couples