“…After the third change the ion exchanger slurry was further freed from excess buffer by filtration on a Buchner funnel through Whatman No. 541 filter paper to obtain a solid wet cake.Desalting was carried out by gel filtration through Sephadex G-50 medium, that had been swollen and sterilized by autoclaving in distilled water for 30 min at 120°C and then equilibrated with the citrate-saline in the column.Coagulationpotency of factors IX, 11, VII and X expressed in terms of plasma equivalents (PE) per ml was determined as followsa: factor IX by the partial thromboplastin time test of BARROW and GRAHAM [3]; factor I1 (prothrombin) by the two-stage method of WARE and SEEGERS [MI; factor VII, as VII + X, by the one-stage assay of OWN and AM [28]; factor X by the one-stage assay of DENSON [13].Active factor X (Xa) was assayed by a modified two-stage procedure described by RENO and SEEGERS [33]. The assay was carried out as follows:The prothrombin complex concentrate (without heparin), or its solvent (control), was diluted 1 : 10 with a solution containing 0.765 g% sodium chloride, 0.025 M imidazole and 0.025 M calcium chloride, and adjusted to pH 7.25.One-tenth milliliter of the diluted concentrate was added to the following mixture: 0.1 ml ACD human plasma, 0.1 ml buffered saline (1 vol.…”