149 Berggren, JC.; Eklund, H.; Karlsson, H.; Svensson, 0. Chem. Eng. Sci. Bernando. C. A.; Trimm, D. L. Carbon 1878, 17, 115-20. BJerle, I.; Eklund, H.; Svensson, 0. 'Gasification of Swedish 0 1 1 Shale In a Fiuldlzed Bed Reactor"; paper presented at the Symposlum on the Gaslflcatbn and Liquefaction BJerle, I.; Eklund, H.; Svensson 0. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. Bwnham. A. K. Fuel 1878, 58, 285-92. Carslaw, H. S.; Jaeger, J. C. "Conduction of Heat In Solids"; Oxford Univer-Gadsby, J.; Hinshelwood, C. N.; Sykes, K. W. Roc. R. Soc. London Ser. A Hedden, K.; Kppper. H. H.; Schulze, V. -99. Otto, K.; Bartoslewlcz. L.; Shelef. M. Fuel 1878 58, 85-91. Otto, K.; Bartosiewicz. L.; Shelef, M. Fuel 1878, 58, 565-72. Peter, S.; Woyke, 0.; Baumghrtei, G. Chem. Ing. Tech. 1878, 48, 742-49. Veraa, M. J.; Bell, A. T. Fuel 1878, 57, 194-200. Wicke, E.; Hedden, K.; Rossberg, M. "Beltrage der reaktionskinetischen Forschung zur Technik der Vergasung und Verbrennung"; B.W.K., Band a, No. 6, June 1956. Yokohama, S.; Miyahara, K.; Tanaka, K.; Takakuwa, I.; Tashiro, J, Fuel 1878, 58, 510-14. Two-stage pyrolysis of Taching vacuum residue and Arabian Light atmospheric residue was carried out using a flow-type reactor to manufacture lower olefins. In this method, heavy oils were pyrolyzed at 440 "C to produce cracked oils, which were carried to a high-temperature zone (700-800 "C) to undergo subsequent pyrolysis. The operating Conditions at the high-temperature zone, temperature range of 700-825 "C and residence time of 0.35-1.5 s, were examined on the effect of the respective yield of olefins and aromatics. The highest ethylene yield of 27 wt % against feed was obtained at 800 O C , 0.4-0.7 s for the Taching sample and 23 wt % at 800 "C, 1.0 s for the Arabian Light sample. The highest propylene yield was about 12 wt % for both samples. Total yield of C, to C, hydrocarbon gases showed a maximum, about 60%, both at 800 "C, 0.35 s and 750 O C , 1.0 s for the Tachlng residue.Experiments were conducted in a semibatch reactor to study the kinetics of air-blowing of oil-rich bitumen, on the basis of changes in composition of three bitumen components, namely, oils, resins, and asphattenes, and softening point. The parameters studied were temperature, pressure, air-flow rate, and catalyst (FeCI,-GH,O) concentration. The data couM be interpreted by a series reaction scheme. The conversion of oils to resins was noted to be faster than that of resins to asphaltenes. The use of catalyst, to the extent of 1-1.5%, enabled the reaction time to be cut down drastically. The rate equations for compositional changes were developed to include the effects of