Aim: The implant-retained mandibular overdentures are standard care of the edentulous patients. Function, phonetics and satisfaction of the patient are decisive to acquire prospering treatment results. Passive fit between the implants and the denture framework is important for restoration of the implants. Accurate impression is primary factor to obtain fitted denture. Several impression techniques (single stage, double, and functional impression techniques) described making impression of the implant-retained overdentures. The aim of this study was to evaluate influence of two different implant-retained overdenture impression techniques to quality of life of the patients. Materials and Method: Six women edentulous patients participated in this study. 2 implant-retained overdentures were fabricated using two different impression techniques per patient. The first overdentures were produced using the single stage close tray impression technique. After 6 months, the functional impression technique was used to fabricate the second overdentures. 13 questions were asked to the patients about both of their dentures in the first follow up visits those two days after the delivery of their overdentures. The Mann-Whitney U statistical analysis was performed on the acquired data. Results: The patients satisfied with the performance of both of the overdentures. Half of the participants complained soreness of the gums under the overdenture that was fabricated using the close tray impression technique. Other questionnaire items were shown no statistically significant differences. Conclusion: The single stage close tray, and the functional impression techniques are used confidently to fabricate the implant-retained mandibular overdentures. The functional impression technique decreased chair time of the post-insertion maintenance.