We systematically generalize the exotic 3 He-B phase, which not only exhibits unconventional symmetry but is also isotropic and topologically non-trivial, to arbitrary partial-wave channels with multi-component fermions. The concrete example with four-component fermions is illustrated including the isotropic f , p and d-wave pairings in the spin septet, triplet, and quintet channels, respectively. The odd partial-wave channel pairings are topologically non-trivial, while pairings in even partial-wave channels are topologically trivial. The topological index reaches the largest value of N 2 in the p-wave channel (N is half of the fermion component number). The surface spectra exhibit multiple linear and even high order Dirac cones. Applications to multi-orbital condensed matter systems and multi-component ultra-cold large spin fermion systems are discussed. [5,6]. The p-wave superconductivity has also been extensively investigated in SrRu 2 O 4 [7-9], and heavy fermion systems including UGe 2 , URhGe, UCoGe [10]. The p-wave superfluid 3 He and superconductors exhibit rich topological structures of vortices and spin textures under rotations or in external magnetic fields, respectively [11,12]. In addition, experimental signatures of the possible nodal f -wave superconductivity have also been reported in UPt 3 [13,14].Among these unconventional pairing phases, the 3 He-B phase is distinct: in spite of its non-s-wave pairing symmetry and spin structure, the overall pairing structure remains isotropic and fully gapped. Its pairing exhibits the relative spin-orbit symmetry breaking fromwhere L, S, and J represent the orbital, spin, and total angular momentum, respectively. The relative spin-orbit symmetry-breaking has also been studied in the context of Pomeranchuk instability termed as unconventional magnetism leading to dynamic generation of spin-orbit coupling [15,16]. Furthermore, the 3 He-B phase possesses non-trivial topological properties [17][18][19]. Topological states of matter have become a major research focus since the discovery of the integer quantum Hall effect [20][21][22]. Recently, the study of topological band structures has extended from time-reversal (TR) breaking systems to TR invariant systems [23][24][25], from two to three dimensions [18,26,27], and from insulators to superconductors [17][18][19][28][29][30][31]. The 3 He-B phase is a 3D TR invariant topological Cooper pairing state. Its bulk Bogoliubov spectra are analogous to the 3D gapped Dirac fermions belonging to the DIII class characterized by an integer-valued index [18]. The non-trivial bulk topology gives rise to the gapless surface Dirac spectra of the mid-gap AndreevMajorana modes [32]. Evidence of these low energy states has been reported in recent experiments [33].Because the electron Cooper pair can only be either spin singlet or triplet, the p-wave 3 He-B phase looks the only choice of the unconventional 3D isotropic pairing state. In this article, we will show that actually there are much richer possibilities of this exotic c...