CorrectionsBIOCHEMISTRY. For the article ''Differential effects of a centrally acting fatty acid synthase inhibitor in lean and obese mice,'' by Monica V. Kumar, Teruhiko Shimokawa, Tim R. Nagy, and M. Daniel Lane, which appeared in number 4, February 19, 2002, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (99, 1921-1925, the authors note the following. ''Under a licensing agreement between FASgen, Inc., and The Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Lane is entitled to a share of royalty received by the University on sales of products that embody the technology described in this article. (98, 10687-10691; First Published August 28, 2001; 10.1073͞pnas.181354398), the authors note the following. In the Introduction and Discussion of our paper, we failed to reference a recent article by Rousseau et al.(1), which demonstrated that single point mutations can significantly perturb the equilibrium between monomeric and domain-swapped dimeric p13suc1. Rational methods were used to redesign p13suc1 from a fully monomeric protein (dissociation constant of Ϸ900 mM) to a fully dimeric protein (dissociation constant of Ϸ100 nM). Fig. 3 appeared incorrectly. The correct version of the figure and its legend appear below.