The purpose of this study is to observe type I and type 111 procollagen gene expressions in the healing ligament using in situ hybridization histochemistry. The rabbit medial collateral ligaments were incised and harvested at 3, 7, 14, and 28 days postoperatively. The healing ligament showed increased expression of both procollagen genes through this period compared with the unoperated ligament. The peak expression level was observed at 7 or 14 days for type I and at 7 days for type 111, respectively. The strongest expression of both genes was detected in the scar tissue created between the ends of the old ligament. Although type 111 procollagen gene expression was observed almost only in the newly created scar tissue, type I procollagen gene was expressed not only in the scar tissue, but also at the ends of the previously normal ligament. These results suggest that type I collagen synthesis begins shortly after ligament injury and occurs at the ends of the injured ligament as well as in the scar tissue, and that type 111 collagen is largely synthesized in the scar tissue around one week after injury but continues being synthesized for at least four weeks after injury. 0 2001 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
lntroduction Materials and methods
Animals und treatmentCollagen is the most abundant substance in the norma1 ligament [7], and the mechanical properties of ligInstitutional Review Board Approval was obtained before beginning all animal studies. Twenty adult Japanese white rabbits, weighing ament depend primarily On ' ' ' lagen fibers L1 51' 3.24.4 kg, were used. Each animal was anesthetized with an intraveTherefore, collagen synthesis plays an important role in nous injection of pentobarbital. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) the healing process of the ruptured ligament. In the of the left knee was exposed through longitudinal medial incisions in the skin and fascia [6j. The MCL was cut transversely at the level of the suprameniscal recess with a scalpel [16]. Ligament ends were allowed to with less than lo'% being type I11 [7]. Although the retract and were not repaired surgically. Skin was approximated with healing ligament is known to contain an increased 3-0 nylon sutures. NO immobilization was used after surgery.With a lethal injection of a euthanasia solution, the animals were