As so ci ate Ed i tor: Dariusz Wiêc³aw We de scribe the or ganic pe trog ra phy, palynology and Rock-Eval py rol y sis val ues of lac us trine black shales termed the Anthracosia Shales (Up per Car bon if er ous/Lower Perm ian) in the Intrasudetic Ba sin (Sudetes, SW Po land). Sam ples were taken from cores of two bore holes: Rybnica Leoena PIG 1 and OEcinawka OErednia PIG 1. Maceral com po si tion, miospore assem blage com po si tion, palynofacies and geo chem i cal char ac ter is tics of dis persed or ganic mat ter in the Anthracosia Shales were used to de ter mine con di tions of the en vi ron ment and to eval u ate their pe tro leum po ten tial. Data from both or ganic petrog ra phy and palynology anal y ses en abled rec og ni tion of three broadly dis tinct or ganic as so ci a tions in these shales: bi tu minous, humic, and in ter me di ate, while Rock-Eval py rol y sis re vealed the pres ence of bi tu mi nous and humic kerogen types I and III. Type I cor re sponds to the bi tu mi nous as so ci a tion, with amor phous or ganic mat ter (AOM) dom i nant in the palynofacies, and type III cor re sponds to the humic as so ci a tion with phytoclasts pre vail ing in the palynofacies. The ther mal ma tu rity of the or ganic mat ter is de ter mined by the val ues of: (1) vitrinite reflectance V Ro = 0.53-0.73%, (2) palynomorph 3-4 col our in dex, and (3) T max = 443-447°C, which in di cate oil win dow ma tu rity. Some of the TOC re sults (1.6-2.9 wt.%) in di cate that the Anthracosia Shales are good and very good pe tro leum source rocks, though the thick ness of this in ter val is low (4-5 m). Shales with TOC val ues <0.5 wt.% pre vail, and may be classifed as poor source rocks.