We examine immigrant entrepreneurship and the survival and growth of immigrantfounded businesses over time relative to native-founded companies. Our work quanti…es immigrant contributions to new …rm creation in a wide variety of …elds and using multiple de…nitions. While signi…cant research e¤ort has gone into understanding the economic impact of immigration into the United States, comprehensive data for quantifying immigrant entrepreneurship are di¢ cult to assemble. We combine several restricted-access U.S. Census Bureau data sets to create a unique longitudinal data platform that covers 1992-2008 and many states. We describe di¤erences in the types of businesses initially formed by immigrants and their medium-term growth patterns. We also consider the relationship of these outcomes to the immigrants'age at arrival to the United States.JEL Classi…cation: F22, J15, J44, J61, L26, M13, O31, O32, O33.