and the tendency of the lines to broaden at lower temperatures, we believe more realistic probable limits of error for AG+ and AH * are Et2 kcal/mol with a reasonable probability for substantial error in the value of AX*.series of measurements including those illustrated in Figure 2 Registry ~~~-4 , 24299-67-0; 5, 24299-68-1 6 , were AG* = 16.4 0.2 kcal/mol; AH* = 14.8 =! = 0.2 kcal/mol; A S * = -5.4 k 0.5 eu. Because of the relatively 24299-69-2; 7a1 24299-70-5; 7bi 24299-71-6; 8a, small separation of lines (3.5 Ha in the low-temperature limit)Polarographic oxidation potential, Ei/,(OX), and reduction potentials, Ei/,(RED), for a series of 4-and 5-substituted 2-nitrophenols have been measured in aqueous ethanol (10%) solutions buffered at pH 2.2, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 9.2. Although both series appear to give polarographic waves characteristic of irreversible reactions, good correlations of Ei/,(OX) and Ei/,(RED) with the appropriate substituent constant, urn, up, or gpfl were obtained. Usually, the correlations that involved Ei/,(RED) were most satisfactory at low pH, while those that involved Ei/,(OX) were best at high pH. The correlation of the frequency of the longest wavelength maximum observed in the electronic spectrum with Ei/,(OX) or [Ei/,(OX) -Ei/,(RED)] WRS examined and found to be good for the 4-substituted compounds and poor for the 5-substituted ones. For the most widely divergent data, an attempt to explain the discrepancies has been made, but the investigation of other series would be desirable. (6) L. P . Hammett, "Physical The rates of spontaneous hydrolyses of substituted benzenesulfonyl fluorides in dioxane-water (40 : 60 v/v)