Abstract. -This paper is pam of a larger study of the fungi causing leaf-spot diseases which affeot llhe grasses on leys in Finland. The material examined consisted of grasses growing on cultivated gra:sSiland or the borders of fields. The fresh materiad (c. 3770 samples) was collected at Viilk and the Muddusniemi Experiment Farm of Helsinki UnivePsity, art: Experiment Stations of the Agricultural Research Centre, the Plant Breeding InstitutJe of Ha:ruklkija and in other Localities in sounthem Finland. In additio. n seeds of grasses (c. 160 lots) ohiefly from llhe State Seed Testing Station (SSTS) and from the material (c. 40 lots) of the late Prof. Otto Valle's experiments were investigated. The last mentioned lots of the Finnish seeds (Tammisto) were produced in the USA. This study is moreover has• ed on artificiaJ cul1 ture and inoculation tests.