The bromiation of 4//-cyclopenta[de/]phenanthrene gave the 1-bromo derivative as a main product accompanied by small amounts of 3-and 8-bromo isomers. The hydrocarbon was transformed into 4-bromoand 8,9-dibromo-8,9-dihydro-4/f-cyclopenta[de/]phenanthrene by radical bromination under exposure to light. Additionally, the reaction of 8,9-dihydro-4fi-cyclopenta[de/]phenanthrene and cyclopenta[de/]phenanthren-4-one with bromine yielded 2-and 8-bromo derivatives in high yields, respectively.The hydrocarbon 4//-cyclopenta[de/]phenanthrene (l)1 molecule combines characteristic features, such as those of acenaphthene, fluorene, and phenanthrene structures. This may cause some interesting investigations at the active methylene,2,3 at the localized double bond of C8-C9,4 and on the strained benzenoid rings.5 Electrophilic substitution of 1 has been reported scarcely.5'6 Our previous report has been concerned with the nitration of 1, which gives 1-, 2-, 3-, and 8-nitro derivatives.7The present paper deals with bromination of 1 and its derivatives, 26 and 3,1 in connection with nitration of 1, and some interesting results may be noted.