SynopsisThe effect of charged side chains on the ionization and fluorescence of the Tyr4 phenolic group in angiotensin (Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe) was investigated. Several synthetic peptides related to angiotensin were titrated spectrophotometrically and quantum yields of tyrosine fluorescence were also determined. The electrostatic interactions were interpreted according to the Kirkwood-Tanford theory, and the results were related to a recently proposed model [J. L. De Coen and E. Biopolyrners 16,19291 for angiotensin conformation in solution. The titration and fluorescence results are in good agreement with the folded conformations of this model, with the exception that the data indicate a weaker interaction between the histidine side chain and the C-terminal carboxyl groups than that proposed in the model.