100 ml of pure CS2 at room temperature. The clear yellow solution, obtained by filtration from insoluble polymer, is acetone provides a further, mild method of specifically altering nucleic acids by photochemical methods. concentrated to 20 ml in a vacuum and then cooled at -3OOC for 12 h. The mother liquor is decanted from precipitated sulfur, and the latter is treated dropwise, with careful shaking, with sufficient pure CS2 (ca. 10 ml) to dissolve all the yellow s8 and leave behind only the characteristic four-cornered platelets of S12. After decantation of the solution, these platelets are washed with 1 ml of CS2 and the remaining suspension of crystals is finally dried on filter paper. In this way 20 mg of S12 ("yield" ca. 0.1 %) of Slz is isolated, having m.p. 140-142'C (146-148 "C after recrystallization from benzene).