The gist of this contribution is the search for a possible decomposition loophole in relativistic formulae. An attempt is presented where trigonometric mathematical instruments have been used in order to decompose the quantity "c-the light speed constant" into two components-the first one describing the longitudinal speed of the source and the second one describing the transverse vibrational speed of a quantum particle. The Matzka-Voigt complex number describing mathematically longitudinal speed of the source and transverse vibrational speed of quantum particles was postulated. The modulus of the Matzka-Voigt complex number equals to │c│= │λν│ = 299,792,458 ms -1 and can be inserted into the Maxwell´s equations. The known trigonometric functions were used to interpret graphically the "relativistic formulae" and to decompose these formulae into their components. This trigonometric approach opens a new way to interpret the quantitative data in the Euclidean space: "vis activa", "vis viva", "vis mortua", kinetic energy, Doppler effect, quantum of formal action, etc. This trigonometric interpretation of "relativistic formulae" can be tested experimentally in the proposed experiments.