Penelitian ini menguji efektivitas kombinasi biolarvasida minyak atsiri serai wangi (Cymbopogon nardus) dengan daun cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum l.) Terhadap larva nyamuk Ae. aegypti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (a) menganalisis pengaruh pemberian kombinasi biolarvasida minyak atsiri serai wangi dan daun cengkeh terhadap perkembangan larva Ae. aegypti, (b) menganalisis uji daya bunuh kombinasi biolarvasida serai wangi (sw) dan daun cengkeh (dc) terhadap larva Ae. aegypti, (c) menganalisis uji patogenisitas dari kombinasi biolarvasida serai wangi dan daun cengkeh terhadap larva Ae. aegypti. Uji kombinasi biolarvasida ini dilakukan terhadap larva nyamuk Ae. aegypti instar III dengan perlakuan variasi kombinasi konsentrasi “SW 2% (P)”, “ SW 0,75% ” + “DC1,25% (P1)”, “SW 1%” + “DC 1% (P2)”, “SW 1,25 %” + “DC 0,75% (P3)” , “DC 2% (P4)”. dan Kontrol air (P-). Themepos (P+). Parameter yang diamati meliputi gejala, persentase mortalitas dan waktu kematian. Mortalitas larva diamati pada jam ke-6,12,18,24 setelah aplikasi. Perbedaan proporsi mortalitas antar tingkat konsentrasi dengan control diuji dengan metode chi-kuadrat sedangkan lT50 dengan analisis probit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masing-masing kombinasi bahan uji (P,P1,P2,P3 dan P4) tidak memiliki perbedaan pengaruh yang sginifikan sebagai biolarvasida dengan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,05.. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini bahwa kelima konsentrasi bahan uji tersebut tidak memberikan perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan sebagai biolarvasida. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa minyak atsiri serai wangi dan daun cengkeh baik diaplikasi secara tunggal maupun dikombinasi memiliki efektifitas larvasida yang sama dengan temephos dalam membunuh larva nyamuk Ae. aegypti. Waktu kematian (LT50) ekstrak serai wangi 12,72 jam, daun cengkeh 6,71 jam dan kombinasi 6,38 jam.Kata kunci: Biolarvasida; efektifitas; konsentrasi; patogenisitas The Effectiveness of Biolarvacide Essential Oil of Vitronella (Cymbopogon nardus) with Clove Leaves (Syzygium aromaticum.L.) on Ae. aegypti Mosquito Larvae ABSTRACTThis study tested the effectiveness of the biolarvicide combination of citronella essential oil (cymbopogon nardus) and clove leaf (syzygium aromaticum L.) against the larvae of Ae. aegypti. This study aims to: (a) analyze the effect of giving a combination of biolarvicides of citronella essential oil and clove leaves on the development of Ae. aegypti, (b) analyzing the killing power of the combination of citronella (sw) and clove leaf (dc) biolarvicides against Ae. aegypti, (c) analyzing the pathogenicity test of the combination of citronella and clove leaf biolarvicides against the larvae of Ae. Agypti. This biolarvicide combination test was carried out on the larvae of Ae. aegypti instar iii with treatment variations in the concentration combination “SW 2% (P)”, “SW 0.75%” + “DC1.25% (P1)”, “SW 1%” + “DC 1% (P2)”, “SW 1.25%” + “DC 0.75% (P3)” , “DC 2% (P4)”. and Water control (P-). Themepos (P+). Parameters observed included symptoms of mortality percentage and time of death. Larval mortality was observed at 6, 12, 18, 24 hours after application. The difference in the proportion of mortality between concentration levels and control was tested by the chi-square method while the lt50 method was tested by probit analysis. The results showed that each combination of test materials did not have a significant difference in effect as a biolarvicide with a significance level of 0.05. The conclusion of this study was that the five concentrations of the test material did not give a significant difference in effect as a biolarvicide. This indicates that the essential oils of citronella and clove leaves, either applied singly or in combination, have the same larvicidal effectiveness as temephos in killing the larvae of Ae. aegypti. Time of death (lt50) citronella extract 12.72 hours, clove leaf 6.71 hours and the combination 6.38 hours.Keywords: Biolarvicides; effectiveness; concentration; pathogenicity