Someday the owner of the private dental and oral surgery practice can decide to sell it. In some cases, this is because the owner wants to move away from dental matters completely; To move away from business not only as a dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon but even as a shareholder. Regardless of personal motives for the sale, the deal and the cost of whole practice should not be underestimated.
The price is to be based on a correct calculation of the next dental clinic data: Human resources (number of specialists, types of their specialization, experience, etc.), number of dental chairs, equipment, package of state permits for dental business and types of dental specialties that are included in the license of this clinic to conduct business in medical practice, presence of ISO 9001 certification for the clinic, established connections with partners (dental technicians, companies of dental products and equipment, insurance companies, etc.), types of diagnostic, treatment, and prophylactic procedures carried out in the clinic, base of clients, availability of consulting doctors, existence of communications with University chairs and associations/societies, presence of cooperation agreement with Pathology Department, location of the branch of the chair on the basis of the clinic, number of years at the market, longevity of the same team (Woody [2018] notes that 10-plus years for the same team is one of the best indicators for buyers),1 the size of real estate, location in the country and in the city/village (distance from the neighboring countries, airports, metro stations, and other transport nodes), the commercial real estate is owned or leased, real estate is a separate building or included to the multiple apartment building, presence of the rooms for the educational or hands-on training, courses that have been performed on the basis of this clinic, team experience in organization of the dental meetings, a state and international reputation of the practice, etc.