Ulcus vulvae acutum Lipschütz in two young female patientsUlcus vulvae acutum Lipschütz or acute genital ulcer is a distinct clinical entity characterized by sudden painful genital ulceration occurring mostly in young and virgin girls with malaise, fever and other systemic symptoms. This distressing syndrome is rare and may be presented to dermatologists, gynecologists or pediatricians. Its diagnosis and therapy can be challenging. We present two young female patients with ulcus vulvae acutum. The cause of the disease could not be confirmed in our patients, but, interestingly, both patients had partial IgA deficiency. In the last 100 years, after its first description by Lipschütz, many case reports and series have aimed to identify a specific cause of the disease, without success. These studies mainly focused on infectious agents as causative factors, however, in most cases connection with infection could not be confirmed. Our opinion is that the decreased level of IgA could be a possible explanation for the cause of this syndrome. With our cases we would like to emphasize the possible role of local immunological mechanisms rather than several infectious agents in the development of this little-known disease.