This work proposes a truly compact MOSFET model that contains only four parameters to assist an integrated circuits (IC) designer in a design by hand. The four-parameter model (4PM) is based on the advanced compact MOSFET (ACM) model and was implemented in Verilog-A to simulate different circuits designed with the ACM model in Verilog-compatible simulators. Being able to simulate MOS circuits through the same model used in a hand design benefits designers in understanding how the main MOSFET parameters affect the design. Herein, the classic CMOS inverter, a ring oscillator, a self-biased current source and a common source amplifier were designed and simulated using either the 4PM or the BSIM model. The four-parameter model was simulated in many sorts of circuits with very satisfactory results in the low-voltage cases. As the ultra-low-voltage (ULV) domain is expanding due to applications, such as the internet of things and wearable circuits, so is the use of a simplified ULV MOSFET model.