Turbulence, motion characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity, is a challenging problem in physics. However, its underlying properties are found to be universal and do not depend on the host fluid. Meanwhile, transport phenomena, irreversible exchange processes due to the statistical continuous random motion of particles, although being complicated from a microscopic point of view, can often be modelled quite simply by tracking macroscopic quantities of interest in the system. In this thesis, using atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, we study both these phenomena inside a quantum fluid using a highly configurable BEC platform developed to provide arbitrary dynamic control over the 2D superfluid system. Furthermore, the experiments are modelled using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, the point vortex model and the hydrodynamic equations. After theoretical background and introduction to the apparatus, the technique of direct imaging of a digital micromirror device is described, which achieves the highly versatile and dynamic 2D potentials that facilitate the experimental studies described. Superfluid transport through a mesoscopic channel of tuneable length and width is next described. By investigating low amplitude oscillations and their dependence on the system parameters, a resistor, capacitor, and inductor model is used to model the transport. Surprisingly, the "contact inductance" of the channel at the reservoirs is a dominant effect for a significant portion of the parameter range. The resistive transport for high initial bias is also studied, showing an Ohmic resistive relationship over the broad parameter range. Next, the transport between two reservoirs initially prepared at different temperatures, but with similar particle number, was explored. Our 2D superfluid system, with hard-wall confinement, provides an ideal experimental system for the study of 2D quantum turbulence. The system is utilized to demonstrate the first experimental realization of large Onsager vortex clusters in the negative absolute temperature regime, through the injection of high energy clusters into the 2D superfluid. The clusters are found to be surprisingly stable for long time periods. The vortex cluster energy loss rate is studied while changing the system parameters, suggesting thermal damping is the dominant loss mechanism. The techniques and results presented in this thesis open up new avenues for the study of quantum fluids, be it by providing a concise atomtronic model for predicting superfluid transport or expanding the accessible parameters space available to fundamental studies of turbulence. The realization of negative temperature vortex distributions, long ago predicted by Onsager, open up the experimental study of the full phase-diagram of 2D vortex matter. The refinement of optical trapping techniques for BECs presents new and promising directions for future BEC experiments in configured potentials. This thesis is the culmination of many hours of work, to which a vast number of people contributed some ...