where d is the distance between the tag and the transmitting antenna, P min is the minimum power relative to the tag to be read by the reader, G t ¼ 5.7 dBi, and L c ¼ À1.5 dB at 925 MHz for the chamber system. In those measurements, d was fixed at 3.6 m, and the measured P min was obtained at about 27.5 dBm. Therefore, if the EIRP of the reader is set to 4 W, the maximum readable range for our design will be 5.9 m. This result is also better than those compact tags presented in Refs. 6-9, so that the proposed tag antenna is more suitable for applications in various commercial purposes.
CONCLUSIONSA novel miniature monopole tag antenna with a quasi-lumped matching circuit for UHF RFID applications has been presented and discussed. Compared with other tag designs, the proposed structure is rather compact and more suitable for conventional printed circuit board (PCB) procedure, so that it can be easily integrated within various modern portable devices. In such small tag design, both good coverage and stable gain variation are obtained. Experimental results also demonstrate that the maximum readable range of the fabricated tag is verified about 5.6 m with an EIRP equal to 4 W. For these reasons, the proposed tag antenna can satisfy more commercial purposes in the future.ABSTRACT: An extension of the exhaustive Gaussian approach to estimate the bit error ratio from a set of experimental runs in directdetection orthogonal frequency division multiplexing optical communication systems is proposed. The approach provides fast and Figure 6 Experiments of the maximum readable range. (a) Measurement setup (b) Chamber environment. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com] Figure 5 Measured gains against frequency of the proposed tag antenna 2772 accurate bit error ratio estimates avoiding the high amount of data required by direct error counting. ABSTRACT: A novel coplanar equilateral triangular-ring slot antenna with dual frequency operation is proposed for WLAN (Wireless LocalFigure 4 BER as function of (a) the number of OFDM-UWB symbols and (b) the number of runs. In (b) BER given by EGA (squares), DEC (lines), EVM (triangles) and Q factor (diamonds) Figure 5 (a) BER as a function of the subcarrier index. BER obtained from EGA (continuous line), DEC (squares), EVM (dashed line) and the Q factor (dashed-dotted line). (b) BER as a function of the OSNR