Advances in attosecond science have
led to a wealth of important
discoveries in atomic, molecular, and solid-state physics and are
progressively directing their footsteps toward problems of chemical
interest. Relevant technical achievements in the generation and application
of extreme-ultraviolet subfemtosecond pulses, the introduction of
experimental techniques able to follow in time the electron dynamics
in quantum systems, and the development of sophisticated theoretical
methods for the interpretation of the outcomes of such experiments
have raised a continuous growing interest in attosecond phenomena,
as demonstrated by the vast literature on the subject. In this review,
after introducing the physical mechanisms at the basis of attosecond
pulse generation and attosecond technology and describing the theoretical
tools that complement experimental research in this field, we will
concentrate on the application of attosecond methods to the investigation
of ultrafast processes in molecules, with emphasis in molecules of
chemical and biological interest. The measurement and control of electronic
motion in complex molecular structures is a formidable challenge,
for both theory and experiment, but will indubitably have a tremendous
impact on chemistry in the years to come.