The coherent manipulation of excitons in bulk semiconductors via the lattice degrees of freedom is key to the development of acousto-optic and acousto-excitonic devices. Wide-bandgap transition metal oxides exhibit strongly bound excitons that are interesting for applications in the deepultraviolet, but their properties have remained elusive due to the lack of efficient generation and detection schemes in this spectral range. Here, we perform ultrafast broadband deep-ultraviolet spectroscopy on anatase TiO 2 single crystals at room temperature, and reveal a dramatic modulation of the exciton peak amplitude due to coherent acoustic phonons. This modulation is comparable to those of nanostructures where exciton-phonon coupling is enhanced by quantum confinement, and is accompanied by a giant exciton shift of 30-50 meV. We model these results by many-body perturbation theory and show that the deformation potential coupling within the nonlinear regime is the main mechanism for the generation and detection of the coherent acoustic phonons. Our findings pave the way to the design of exciton control schemes in the deep-ultraviolet with propagating strain pulses.
PACS numbers:2 New perspectives in the field of excitonics have recently developed from the discovery of strongly bound excitons that persist at room temperature (RT) in several semicondcutors, including organics [1], transition metal dichalcogenides [2] and transition metal oxides [3][4][5]. Despite their different origin, excitons in these classes of materials are strongly coupled to the lattice degrees of freedom. Indeed, since excitons can be viewed as quanta of electronic excitation energy travelling in the periodic crystal lattice, their motion is influenced by the fluctuating potential field due to lattice vibrations. On the fundamental aspect, exciton-phonon coupling is an intriguing type of boson-boson interaction that results in phenomena such as exciton self-trapping, spectral-weight transfers to phonon sidebands and Stokes-shifted emissions [6]. On the practical side, identifying the specific modes (optical or acoustic) that couple strongly to the excitons paves the way to the control of the exciton properties through the tailored application of strain, pressure or photoexcitation.Experimentally, the microscopic details of the exciton in the phonon field can be addressed via absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy, since the shape and width of the optical spectra directly reflect the scattering of the exciton by lattice vibrations [7]. However, the information offered by these methods is mediated over all the coupled phonon modes.This calls for more advanced techniques that can yield information on the exciton-phonon coupling for specific lattice modes of interest in order to allow, in return, the phonon-selective control of the exciton properties. A powerful tool relies on setting a particular phonon mode out of equilibrium and monitoring the impact of the ionic motion on the exciton spectral features [8][9][10]. This is possible by time-and e...