We report on wavelength-sized GaAs optomechanical disk resonators showing ultra-strong optomechanical interaction. We observe optical transduction of a disk mechanical breathing mode with 1.4 GHz frequency and effective mass of ~ 2 pg. The measured vacuum optomechanical coupling rate reaches g 0 = 0.8 MHz, with a related differential optomechanical coupling factor g om = 485 GHz/nm. The disk Brownian motion is optically resolved with a sensitivity of 10 -17 m/√Hz at room temperature and pressure.Optomechanical systems 1-3 combining a mechanical oscillator and an optical cavity find now applications in very different fields of physics, from mesoscopic quantum physics to cold atoms 4-5 and mechanical sensing 6 . GHz mechanical oscillators can help accessing the quantum regime of optomechanics, can allow developing ultra-fast sensing systems, or can match hyperfine transitions of (artificial) atoms interfaced with the mechanical system. The difficulty lies generally in coupling such GHz oscillators to photons efficiently, in order to offer optical control over the oscillator motion, together with fine optical read-out sensitivity. 7 A useful way a)