We combine a graphene mode-locked oscillator with an external compressor and achieve∼29fs pulses with∼52mW average power. This is a simple, low-cost, and robust setup, entirely fiber based, with no free-space optics, for applications requiring high temporal resolution.Ultrafast light pulses in the femtosecond range are needed for advanced photonics applications. E.g. in pump-probe spectroscopy, photophysical and photochemical relaxation processes are monitored by exciting a sample with an ultrashort light pulse. The maximum temporal resolution is determined by the duration, ∆τ , of the pulse. This is usually defined as the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of its intensity profile in the time domain, I(t) [1]. Alternatively ∆τ may be defined by the number of oscillation periods of the electric field carrier wave (optical cycles) within the pulse[2] N = ∆τ T0 = ν 0 ∆τ , where T 0 is the optical cycle of frequency ν 0 . The ultimate pulse duration is set by a single cycle of light, i.e. T 0 , given by[2] λ c , where λ is the wavelength and c is the speed of light. Finally, the uncertainty relation ∆ν∆τ ≃ 1 π provides a measure of the minimum frequency bandwidth ∆ν required for an ultrashort pulse formation[2], i.e. the broader the bandwidth, the shorter the supported pulse. In the visible and near infrared (NIR), T 0 lies, e.g, between 2fs at λ ∼600nm and 5fs at λ ∼1.5µm, which set the ultimate speed limit for devices operating in this wavelength range. Achieving shorter pulses therefore requires moving to shorter wavelengths.Pulses as short as 2-cycles can be generated directly from laser cavities using passive mode-locking [1][2][3]. Ti:Saphire lasers have become established tools for few-cycle generation [2], with the shortest pulses produced to date having ∆τ ∼5fs[4] at a centre wavelength, λ 0 ∼800nm, corresponding to less than 2-cycles, with spectral width ∆λ ∼600nm [4]. Ti:Saphire lasers able to generate few-cycle durations are typically optimized to make use of the maximum ∆λ gain available[2], consequently they have no wavelength tunability[2]. Tunable Ti:Saphire operate with a much longer pulse duration, e.g. ∆τ ∼150fs in a typical∼680-1080nm commercially available spectral range [5]. Tunable few-cycle pulses can be achieved by exploiting nonlinear optical effects in optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs). These can be described by expressing the polarization (P ) as a power series in the applied optical field (E) [6,7]:, where ǫ 0 is the free space permittivity, χ (1) is the linear and χ (2) and χ (3) are the second-and third-order nonlinear susceptibilities. OPAs are optical amplifiers based on the χ (2) nonlinearity of a crystal [6][7][8], in a process, called parametric [6,7], where there is no net transfer of energy and momentum between E and the crystal [6,7]. This can be visualized, by considering energy transfer from a pump pulse of frequency ω p to two pulses of lower frequencies ω s and ω i , called signal and idler [6,7], with the requirement ω p = ω s + ω i [6,7]. Under this condition, OPAs can...