A volumetric ultrasound tomography (UST) system and method are established for industrial process applications. A twoplane ring-array UST system is developed for 3D imaging of the process under test. Such a 3D system allows capturing axial variations, which is not possible in 2D or 2.5D imaging. A ray-voxel intersection method is used to create the sensitivity matrix needed for the 3D or 4D image reconstruction. Acquiring and processing time series data lead to 4D imaging, generating dynamical volumetric image by using a time correlative total variation (TV) algorithm. The 3D forward model using the ray propagation model offers a computationally efficient tool for modelling the measurement process in UST and is used for image reconstruction. In combination with the advanced 4D TV algorithm, high-quality information is gained from time and space. At first, the 3D imaging methodology was tested and verified using static objects. Secondly, 4D imaging was investigated by using a moving rod in an experimental tank. The system was then implanted to carry out dynamical process monitoring, imaging 4D crystallisation process. Finally, the results are evaluated using quantitative image evaluation in 3D mode and process dynamics in 4D imaging mode.