A method was described for isolation of the prespore specific vacuole (PSV) from slugs of the cellular slime mold, D. discoideum. A cellular component, which was fractionated in accordance with immunohistochemical staining using heteroplastic antispore serum, was found to consist of only the PSV. It was thus concluded that the PSV is identical with the cytoplasmic granule which has been shown by the antiserum to be specifically present in the prespore cell, and hence that the PSV is the only structure which contains the prespore specific substance (antigenic mucopolysaccharide). The isolated PSV contained polysaccharide equivalent to 14% of its protein content, and antigenic niucopolysaccharide constitutes about 60% of the total polysaccharide.The cell aggregate (slug), which cellular slime mold amoebae collected together, constructs a fruiting body composed of spores and stalk cells. During this process, the anterior cells of the slug differentiate into the stalk cells, while the posterior cells differentiate into the spores. The 2 types of cells, i.e. the anterior prestalk and the posterior prespore cells are already differentiated in the slug. Differentiation of the latter is characterized by synthesis of a prespore specific substance, which is demonstrated by heteroplastic antispore serum t o be localized in its cytoplasmic granules (TAKEUCHI, 1963). The specific substance has been recently identified as an acid mucopolysaccharide (TAKEUCIII, SAKIYAMA and MAEDA, unpublished), which was previously described by WHITE and SUSSMAN (1 963) t o be composed of galactose, galactosamine, and galacturonic acid. On the other hand, electronmicroscopic studies revealed that unique vacuoles were specifically present in the prespore cell, but not in the prestalk cell (MAEDA and TAKEUCHI, 1969;HOHL and HAMAMOTO, 1969). The vacuoles are released outside during the process of spore differentiation, and its contents constitute the spore coat.In order t o understand the relationship between the synthesis of its specific substance and the formation of its specific vacuole during differentiation of the prespore cell, it is important t o know whether or not the latter is the structure which contains the former. The present work was undertaken t o isolate the prespore specific vacuole from the slug cell and also t o study some of its chemical compo-