The dynamics of leafmines developed by Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) larvae in greenhouse tomatoes were studied in Korea during [2003][2004] in order to construct and validate binomial sampling plans. An empirical P T -m model, expressed as: ln(m)ϭaϩb ln[Ϫln(1ϪP T )], was used to relate between the proportion of infested leaves (P T ) and mean densities (m) at tally thresholds (T, the minimum number of leafmines present before a leaf is considered infested) of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mines per leaf. To ensure the consistent selection of sample units, a sequence of reference pictures, with various levels of leafmine formation, was measured in advance by image analysis. The mines Ͻ0.4 cm 2 in area were excluded from counting in the greenhouses. There were no significant relationships between the total numbers of leafmines and individual mine areas. The binomial sampling plans were validated using resampling simulations with seven independent data sets. In an estimation of the density, the sampling precision (SE/mean) was found to increase with higher Ts; however, there were negligible improvements in the precision with TՆ3 mines per leaf. Using Tϭ3, over a wide range of mine densities, as few as 30 samples were necessary to achieve a precision of 0.30. In comparing binomial models with Tϭ3 and 5, using seven independent data, the model with Tϭ3 was a robust and relatively unbiased predictor of the mean density, whereas the Tϭ5 model was generally biased towards over-prediction of the mean density. The binomial sampling plans presented here should permit rapid estimation of the mine density and enhance development for a damage assessment program in greenhouse tomatoes.