This article proposes a robust global identification approach for nonlinear systems with slowly sampled outputs subjected to unknown time-delays. The inputs of the system are fast-rate sampled while the informative outputs are uniformly sampled at a slow rate. In practical industries, the outlier and output time-delays are commonly encountered and they are both considered in this work. To eliminate the impact brought by the outliers, the robust linear parametervarying finite impulse response observation model based on the Laplace distribution is established. The unknown timedelay is treated as a random integer at each sampling moment which follows the uniform distribution with the boundary known a priori. The proposed robust approach is derived in the expectation-maximization algorithm scheme and the formulas to iteratively update the model parameters, the scale parameter and the random output time-delays are derived, respectively. The unmeasurable noise-free fast-rate sampled outputs are estimated by simulating the identified model. A numerical example, the mass-spring-damper system and the two-link robotic manipulator are utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.