“…To measure marijuana use, we used the Marijuana Use Index in which participants report how frequently they currently ingest marijuana (over past year), as well as if they have used marijuana in their lifetime. Participants were then classified into five groups adapted from the categorization pattern of Stoner (1988): nonusers (i.e., never tried marijuana), past users (i.e., tried but have not used in the last year), occasional users (i.e., less than one time per week), frequent users (i.e., one to five times per week), and daily users (i.e., at least one time per day). In our study, 114 of the total sample of 300 students (38%) were categorized as nonusers, 66 (22%) as past users, 72 (24%) as occasional users, 24 (8%) as frequent users, and 24 (8%) as daily users.…”