“…Infrastructure performance models are not specific to local conditions (e.g., organization uses performance prediction models with no consideration to the local conditions such as number of users and local environment; these conditions could be different from the original assumptions of the model) Cooksey et al 2011;Vanier 2001;Halfawy 2008;RepCard 2013;Uddin et al 2013;Grussing 2014 Using an incompatible technology with local conditions (e.g., very sophisticated systems, which are not compatible with other procedures) Using an incompatible operational process with local conditions (e.g., asking for specific data, which the operators do not have the tools to determine) Shiferaw, 2002;Bakuli, 1994;Wall 1993;Sohail et al 2002;Javernick-Will & Scott 2010 Lack of regulations to enhance accountability (e.g., there are no regulations that force organizations to use a clear criteria in making their decisions, such as cost-effectiveness, to select among candidate projects) Sohail and Cavill 2008;Wooldridge et al 2001;Burns et al 1999;Benito et al 2008;Acerete et al 2009 Lack of trust between different organizations and departments (e.g., departments do not provide reliable information about their performance between each other, departments change data in the regular reports and meetings to be in good shape) Ika et al 2012;Burns et al 1999 Prevalence of corruption (e.g., at the government level, consulting level) Sohail and Cavill 2008;Kenny 2009;Nordin et al 2011;Golden and Picci 2006;Bowen et al 2012 Undefined contracting criteria (e.g., undefined processes for contracting type (delivery method) selection; undefined contract documents for different type of contracts; undefined procedures for contractors' selection) Mollaoglu-Korkmaz et al 2013, Kumarasawy et al 2005, Garvin 2010 Centralized decision-making (e.g., no permission for the branches to make any decisions; everything is done in the main office) Lizarralde et al 2013, FHWA 2007 Political participation interfering with projects' decisi...…”