Assuming that the particle with mass ∼ 126 GeV discovered at LHC is the Standard Model Higgs boson, we find that the stability of the EW vacuum strongly depends on new physics interaction at the Planck scale MP , despite of the fact that they are higher-dimensional interactions, apparently suppressed by inverse powers of MP . In particular, for the present experimental values of the top and Higgs masses, if τ is the lifetime of the EW vacuum, new physics can turn τ from τ >> TU to τ << TU , where TU is the age of the Universe, thus weakening the conclusions of the so called meta-stability scenario.Introduction.-When the particle with mass ∼ 126 GeV discovered at LHC [1, 2] is identified with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson, serious and challenging questions arise. Among them, the vacuum stability issue. The Higgs effective potential V ef f (φ) bends down for values of φ larger the EW minimum, an instability due to top loop-corrections. By requiring stability, lower bounds on the Higgs mass M H were found [3][4][5][6][7][8][9].A variation on this picture is the so called metastability scenario [4,[10][11][12]. For φ much larger than v (location of the EW minimum), V ef f (φ) develops a new minimum at φ