We address the problem
of intermolecular interaction energy calculations
in molecular complexes with localized excitons. Our focus is on the
correct representation of the dispersion energy. We derive an extended
Casimir-Polder formula for direct computation of this contribution
through second order in the intermolecular interaction operator
. An alternative formula, accurate to infinite order
, is derived within the framework of the
adiabatic connection (AC) theory. We also propose a new parametrization
of the VV10 nonlocal correlation density functional, so that it corrects
the CASSCF energy for the dispersion contribution and can be applied
to excited-state complexes. A numerical investigation is carried out
for benzene, pyridine, and peptide complexes with the local exciton
corresponding to the lowest π–π* or n– π*
states. The extended Casimir-Polder formula is implemented in the
framework of multiconfigurational symmetry-adapted perturbation theory,
SAPT(MC). A SAPT(MC) analysis shows that the creation of a localized
exciton affects mostly the electrostatic component of the interaction
energy of investigated complexes. Nevertheless, the changes in Pauli
repulsion and dispersion energies cannot be neglected. We verify the
performance of several perturbation- and AC-based methods. Best results
are obtained with a range-separated variant of an approximate AC approach
employing extended random phase approximation and CASSCF wave functions.