“…The Cycladic Archipelago is located in the centre of the Aegean domain and corresponds to the deepest exhumed parts of the Hellenides–Taurides belt (Figure ). In this archipelago, the CBU, belonging to the Pindos oceanic domain (Bonneau, ; Bonneau & Kienast, ), reached peak‐pressure conditions during the formation of the Hellenides at 53–48 Ma (Figure ; Lagos et al., ; Laurent et al., ; Lister & Forster, ; Tomaschek et al., ; Uunk, Brouwer, ter Voorde, & Wijbrans, ). This HP–LT metamorphic unit was exhumed during the Eocene within the subduction channel between a top‐to‐the south thrust at the base and top‐to‐the east/northeast syn‐orogenic detachment at the top, the Vari Detachment (Figure ; Augier, Jolivet, Gadenne, Lahfid, & Driussi, ; Brun & Faccenna, ; Huet, Labrousse, & Jolivet, ; Jolivet, Faccenna, Goffé, Burov, & Agard, ; Laurent et al., ; Ring et al., , ).…”