date, the former require intensive growth and processing steps to fabricate the device architectures, and the ratchet performance is typically observed only at low temperatures (often as low as 300 mK). [4,5] By contrast, several simple "flashing" electronic ratchet concepts, based on a field-effect transistor (FET) architecture, have recently been demonstrated for organic semiconductors. [6-8] Despite their simplicity, and the demonstration of electronic ratchet behavior at room temperature, the performance of these devices appears to be limited by the low charge-carrier mobility that governs charge transport within the semiconductor channel material. [7,10] The asymmetry needed to ratchet charge carriers can be produced directly in the material by (ostensibly) driving ion motion, [7,10] provided through the choice of electrode work function, [11] through the use of periodic, asymmetrically patterned gate electrode pairs, [6] or patterned gate electrodes with individually asymmetric fingers. [8] The ability for such devices to harvest electromagnetic noise suggests they could potentially provide the energy needed for low-power, portable applications where electrical grid access and/or charging batteries may be impractical. In the most popular incarnation of the organic electronic ratchet, an asymmetric potential distribution is developed directly within a chemically doped organic semiconductor by applying a voltage stress. [7,10-13] While this effect is purported to arise from the electric-field-induced redistribution of ions, [14] direct evidence for ion movement is rarely observed. The exploitation of ion motion in "soft" materials suggests that hybrid organic-inorganic lead-halide perovskites (LHP), where ion motion is known to be relatively facile, [15-21] represent potential alternative semiconductor materials for electronic ratchet devices. While lead-halide perovskite semiconductors have emerged as revolutionary materials for high-efficiency electronic and optoelectronic applications, [21-24] ion/vacancy migration and accumulation often contribute to device degradation. [16] Despite these potentially deleterious effects, several recent studies suggest that "intentional" manipulation of ions by external stimuli (e.g., electric field and/or light illumination) can also afford new types of optoelectronic devices. [17,20,25,26] With this in mind, we demonstrate here that "soft" lead-halide perovskites represent an ideal candidate to fabricate and study flashing electronic ratchet energy-harvesting devices, where intentional and controlled ion movement is both achievable and necessary to optimize performance.