This article discusses the ten research papers compiled for the Journal of Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) Special Issue, which has the express purpose of laying new groundwork for the understanding of business model innovations in emerging markets. Altogether, the papers delineate a new organizational framework for doing business in emerging markets and for optimizing gains from emerging market innovations. This Special Issue defines and clearly differentiates emerging market innovations (EMIs) from developed market innovations (DMIs) and provides a generalizable framework. The proposed framework corresponds to the process whereby developed market firms do business in emerging markets, capitalize on the innovative potential therein, reap the benefits and drawbacks of reverse innovations back to developed markets, and, finally, continually refine and optimize their innovation strategies. This study offers crucial managerial guidance through discussion on marketing to the Bottom-of-Pyramid (BoP), the importance of Grassroots Innovation (GRI), the necessity of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies, and the role of employees in open innovation. Lastly, this Special Issue posits conceptual and methodological limitations and future research direction to capture the emerging market phenomena entirely.