The pre-processing and analysis of spectrometric and spectroscopic data of plant tissue are important in a wide variety of research areas, such as plant biology, agricultural science, and climate research. The focus of this thesis is the optimized utilization of data from plant tissues, which include matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), Raman spectroscopy, and FTIR spectroscopy. The ability to attain a classification using these methods is compared, in particular after combination of the data with each other and with additional chemical and biological information. The discussed are concerned with the investigation and classification within a particular plant species, such as the distinction of samples from different populations, growth conditions, or tissue substructures. The samples comprise grass pollens from large greenhouse experiments and from environmental samples, as well as tissue sections of the species Sorghum bicolor and Cucumis sativus from dedicated physiological and ecological studies. In this way, several results of this work contribute directly to these projects. The data were analyzed by exploratory tools such as principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis, as well as by predictive tools that included partial least square-discriminant analysis and machine learning approaches.Specifically, the results show that combination of the methods with additional plant-related information in a consensus principal component analysis leads to a comprehensive characterization of the samples. This was indicated by the discrimination of pollen from the grass species Poa alpina regarding different populations and environmental conditions. As another application of a multimodal analysis for classification, the combination of FTIR microspectra from individual pollen grains with their Raman mapping data and with MALDI-MS data of pollen extract is discussed. Moreover, as shown for Raman mapping data of tissue sections of Sorghum bicolor, the data of many Raman maps can be combined with other phenotypical data for an extensive insight into tissue biochemical composition. Moreover, some important problems of the individual methods with regard to non-relevant variances in the respective data sets are addressed. In the case of Raman microspectra, a high non-Raman based variance in the data set can be caused by a strong fluorescence background, as is discussed here for the spectra of individual pollen grains. On the other hand, FTIR microspectra of individual pollen grains display scattering artifacts, unless they are obtained from samples that are embedded in paraffin, which, in turn, leads to paraffin signals in the pollen spectra. In MALDI-MS imaging data, the extracts of pollen mixtures can overlap and lead to superposition of unknown origin and extent. Optimized data pre-treatment strategies are discussed for each of these problems. They include advanced baseline correction methods by asymmetric least squares, decomposition by non-negative matrix factorizati...