The Neoproterozoic Telfer A -copper deposits is located in the Paterson Orogen. Several highly differentiated calc-alkaline to alkali-calcic peraluminous granites intruded the metasedimentary rocks near (5-20 km) Telfer contemporaneous with structurally controlled gold-copper mineralization.Fluid inclusion assemblages with different fluid inclusion types were identified in samples from a range of different vein types. These inclusion types range from three phase aqueous Laq+Vaq+Shalite, high salinity N C C inclusions to two phase aqueous or two phase aqueous carbonic, low to moderate salinity (2 -22 wt % NaCl equiv.), moderate to high 480°C) fluid inclusions.Fluid inclusion trapping mechanisms, and interpreted precipitation mechanisms for gold and copper include: (1) This interpretation is supported by the observation that the highest base metal contents occurs in the highest salinity fluid inclusion.Potassium/Ca ratios of >1 in most assemblages, the high homogenization C in many fluid inclusion assemblages, and the high trace element contents (e.g., Fe, Mg, K, Na) in most of the fluid inclusion assemblages is compatible with