Abstract. The excitation spectrum of the frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain is reexamined using variational and exact diagonalization calculations. We show that the overlap matrix of the short-range resonating valence bond states basis can be inverted which yields tractable equations for single and two spinons excitations. Older results are recovered and new ones, such as the bond-state dispersion relation and its size with momentum at the Majumdar-Ghosh point are found. In particular, this approach yields a gap opening at J2 = 0.25J1 and an onset of incommensurability in the dispersion relation at J2 = 9/17J1 [as in S. Brehmer et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 1103 (1998)]. These analytical results provide a good support for the understanding of exact diagonalization spectra, assuming an independent spinons picture. Frustration in antiferromagnetic magnets is one of the key ingredient to stabilize exotic phases [1]. In onedimension, where quantum fluctuations destroy the Néel order, a next-nearest neighbor coupling is known to bring two main features. There is first a transition from the quasi-long range ordered phase to a gapped phase which order parameter is the dimerization, breaking translational invariance. The second is the onset of incommensurability in the spin correlations and dispersion relation of elementary excitations. The J 1 -J 2 frustrated chain model is thus a paradigmatic model for quantum magnetism which has been widely studied and from which stemmed the physics of valence bond solid phases.
PACSWe start by recalling known results on the frustrated spin-1/2 chain Hamiltonian which readsin which J 1,2 > 0 are antiferromagnetic couplings and S i are spin-1/2 operators. L denotes the length of the chain and periodic or open boundary conditions can be used.The phase transition to a dimerized state can be understood by bosonization arguments, leading to a KosterlitzThouless type of transition [2,3,4]. The transition point can be efficiently determined by level spectroscopy [5] and is found to be located at J 2 /J 1 0.241167 [3,5,6]. One peculiarity of the transition is the disappearance of logarithmic corrections associated with SU(2) symmetry right at the critical point [6]. Another way to understand the opening of the gap and the onset of a dimerized phase is to start the bosonization from the limit of two chains coupled in a zig-zag geometry [7], ie. the J 2 J 1 limit. Then, the gap is shown to decay exponentially with J 2 /J 1 , so as the dimerization. Between both regimes, the gap and dimerization curves display a intermediate maximum (not at the same location for both quantity) which is captured by numerics [3,7]. Deep in the dimerized phase, the two degenerate ground-states in the thermodynamical limit are well pictured by the Majumdar-Ghosh (MG) state which is a product of decoupled dimers on bonds |MG = | , where dimers are represented by | = 1 √ 2 (|↑↓ − |↓↑ ) and an even length is assumed. Actually, for the special value J 2 = J 1 /2, this MG state is the exact ground-state of the...