We extend the notion of Frobenius Betti numbers and F-splitting ratio to large classes of finitely generated modules over rings of prime characteristic, which are not assumed to be local. We also prove that the strong F-regularity of a pair (R, D), where D is a Cartier algebra, is equivalent to the positivity of the global F-signature s(R, D) of the pair. This extends a result proved in [DSPY16], by removing an extra assumption on the Cartier algebra. is part of a free resolution of F e * (M s ) over the ring R s . In particular, by localizing at any prime Q ∈ Spec(R) not containing s, the complex is still exact, and it becomes a free resolution of F e * (M Q ) over R Q . However, it may not be minimal. That is,∈ Q}, we therefore have that β i (e, Q, M) β i (e, P, M) for all Q ∈ D(s). This shows dense upper semi-continuity of the function P → β i (e, P, M). We now focus on the function P → χ i (e, P, M). Let P, ϕ j , ψ j and s ∈ R P be as above. Let Q ∈ D(s), and denote Ω j = ker((ψ j−1 ) Q ), for all j = 0, . . . , i.