Langevin dynamics simulations are performed to investigate ejection dynamics of spherically confined flexible polymers through a pore. By varying the chain length N and the initial volume fraction φ0 of the monomers, two scaling behaviors for the ejection velocity v on the monomer number m in the cavity are obtained: v ∼ m 1.25 φ 1.25 0 /N 1.6 for large m and v ∼ m −1.4 as m is small. A robust scaling theory is developed by dividing the process into the confined and the non-confined stages, and the dynamical equation is derived via the study of energy dissipation. After trimming the prior stage related to the escape of the head monomer across the pore, the evolution of m is shown to be well described by the scaling theory. The ejection time exhibits two proper scaling behaviors:and N 2+y 2 under the large and small φ0-or N -conditions, respectively, where y1 = 1/3, y2 = 1 − ν, and ν is the Flory exponent.Translocation of biopolymers via small pores is a very important biological process; it allows exchange of large biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA and proteins, between different cellular compartments [1]. When passing through the pores, the conformation of biomolecules is significantly changed in order to fit with the pores which have typically the size of few monomers. It creates a large entropic barrier and therefore, driving forces such as chemical potential gradient are generally required to effectuate a translocation [2][3][4]. In this study, we focus on a special type of driving: polymer translocation induced by spatial confinement. A vital example is the ejection of a DNA molecule from a virus capsid to a bacteria cell [1,5]. Application examples in nanotechnology include trapping single DNA in a nanocage on a membrane [6], transportation of DNA between nanotraps [7], gene therapy using engineered protein shells as the transfection vectors [8,9], and so on. These topics require fundamental understanding of packing or ejecting a biopolymer into or from a closed shell.Muthukumar [10,11] has studied polymer ejection by considering it as a nucleation problem, and predicted that the ejection time scaleswhere N is the number of monomers, φ 0 is the volume fraction (vf) of the monomers prior to ejection, and ν is the Flory exponent. Using the scaling theory and Monte Carlo simulations, Cacciuto and Luijten (CL) [12,13] argued that the ejection time should be τ ∼ N 1+ν φ −1/(3ν−1) 0 for a polymer escaped from a spherical cavity. It was issued from the Kantor and Kardar's expression τ ∼ N 1+ν /∆µ [14] by setting the chemical potential difference ∆µ to the estimated free energy per monomer F/N ∼ φ 1/(3ν−1) 0 . The exponent 1 + ν depicted a lower-bound time scale for the polymer to diffuse unimpededly over its size. Sakaue and Yoshinaga (SY) [15] pointed out that ∆µ should decrease with the process. They studied ejec- * Corresponding author, email: tion dynamics by balancing the free energy change with the dissipation of the mechanical energy near the pore. The ejection time was deduced to scale ...