this MZI waveguide sensor with optimized sensing length of 1,1515 mm is 225.4 dB/RIU. We know that DL 53r=sensitivity , where 3r is the standard deviation of the system [12]. Following the magnification of the measured standard deviation 3r in Figure 4(b), the refractive sensing DL in three standard deviations is with the magnitude of 10 26 RIU.
CONCLUSIONThis study theoretically and experimentally investigated the periodic ambiguity of the MZI waveguide sensor without increasing complexity in standard fabrication process and testing system. The improved sensor with a sensitivity of 225.4 dB/RIU, a DL of 10 26 RIU, a measuring range from 1.31 to 1.42, and a high repeatability, operates at 1550-nm wavelength, is fully competent in refractive sensing field. Further research will focus on immobilizing a sensitive layer for specific biochemical applications [13, 14].
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors wish to express their gratitude to the National-A surface-plasmonresonance sensor based on photonic-crystal-fiber with large size microfluidic channels, Opt Appl 42 (2012), 493-501. 4. M.S. Luchansky and R.C. Bailey, High-Q optical sensors for chemical and biological analysis, Anal Chem 84 (2012), 793-821. 5.